98. Andrew Forbes, Light Mkhumbuza, and Liang Feng, Orbital angular momentum lasers, Nature Reviews Physics 6, 352-364 (2024) (Invited Review).


97. Jose D. H. Rivero, Courtney Fleming, Bingkun Qi, Liang Feng, and Li Ge, Robust Zero Modes in Non-Hermitian Systems without Global Symmetries, Physical Review Letters 131, 223801 (2023).

96. Haoqi Zhao, Yichen Ma, Zihe Gao, Na Liu, Tianwei Wu, Shuang Wu, Xilin Feng, James Hone, Stefan Strauf, and Liang Feng, High-Purity Generation and Switching of Twisted Single Photons, Physical Review Letters 131, 183801 (2023) (Editors’ Suggestion).

95. Li Ge, Zihe Gao, and Liang Feng, Non-Hermitian gauged laser arrays with localized excitations: Anomalous threshold and generalized principle of selective pumping, Physical Review B 108, 104111 (2023).

94. Zihe Gao, Xingdu Qiao, Mingsen Pan, Shuang Wu, Jieun Yim, Kaiyuan Chen, Bikashkali Midya, Li Ge, and Liang Feng, Two-Dimensional Reconfigurable Non-Hermitian Gauged Laser Array, Physical Review Letters 130, 263801 (2023) (Editors’ Suggestion) (Cover) (Featured in Nature Photonics).

93. Mingzhu Liu, Xingyue Han, So Hee Nah, Tianwei Wu, Yuchen Wang, Liang Feng, Liang Wu, and Shu Yang, Switching Chirality in Arrays of Shape-Reconfigurable Spindle Microparticles, Advanced Materials 35, 2303009 (2023).

92. Zihe Gao, Haoqi Zhao, Tianwei Wu, Xilin Feng, Zhifeng Zhang, Xingdu Qiao, Ching-Kai Chiu, and Liang Feng, Topological quadratic-node semimetal in a photonic microring lattice, Nature Communications 14, 3206 (2023).

91. Tianwei Wu, Marco Menarini, Zihe Gao, and Liang Feng, Lithography-free reconfigurable integrated photonic processor, Nature Photonics 17, 710-716 (2023).

90. Tianwei Wu, Yankun Li, Xilin Feng, Shuang Wu, Zihe Gao, and Liang Feng, Topological Photonic Lattice for Uniform Beam Splitting, Robust Routing, and Sensitive Far-Field Steering, Nano Letters 23, 3866-3871 (2023).

89. Jose H. D. Rivero, Liang Feng, and Li Ge, Analysis of Dirac exceptional points and their isospectral Hermitian counterparts, Physical Review B 107, 104106 (2023).

88. Stefano Longhi and Liang Feng, Complex Berry phase and imperfect non-Hermitian phase transitions, Physical Review B 107, 085122 (2023).


87. Jose H. D. Rivero, Liang Feng, and Li Ge, Imaginary Gauge Transformation in Momentum Space and Dirac Exceptional Point, Physical Review Letters 129, 243901 (2022).

86. Zhifeng Zhang, Haoqi Zhao, Shuang Wu, Tianwei Wu, Xingdu Qiao, Zihe Gao, Ritesh Agarwal, Stefano Longhi, Natalia M. Litchinitser, Li Ge and Liang Feng, Spin–orbit microlaser emitting in a four-dimensional Hilbert space, Nature 612, 246-251 (2022).

85. Jieun Yim, Nitish Chandra, Xilin Feng, Zihe Gao, Shuang Wu, Tianwei Wu, Haoqi Zhao, Natalia M. Litchinitser and Liang Feng, Broadband continuous supersymmetric transformation: a new paradigm for transformation optics, eLight 2, 16 (2022).

84. Qi Zhong, Haoqi Zhao, Liang Feng, Kurt Busch, Şahin K. Özdemir and Ramy El-Ganainy, The missing link between standing-and traveling-wave resonators, Nanophotonics 11, 4427-4437 (2022).

83. Yichen Ma, Haoqi Zhao, Na Liu, Zihe Gao, Seyed S. Mohajerani, Licheng Xiao, James Hone, Liang Feng and Stefan Strauf, On-chip spin-orbit locking of quantum emitters in 2D materials for chiral emission, Optica 9, 953-958 (2022).

82. Jiannan Gao, Maria Antonietta Vincenti, Jesse Frantz, Anthony Clabeau, Xingdu Qiao, Liang Feng, Michael Scalora and Natalia M. Litchinitser, All-optical tunable wavelength conversion in opaque nonlinear nanostructures, Nanophotonics 11, 4027-4035 (2022).

81. Shuang Wu, Zihe Gao, Tianwei Wu, Zhifeng Zhang and Liang Feng, Ultrafast heterodyne mode imaging and refractive index mapping of a femtosecond laser written multimode waveguide, Optics Letters 47, 214-217 (2022).


80. Jiannan Gao, Maria Antonietta Vincenti, Jesse Frantz, Anthony Clabeau, Xingdu Qiao, Liang Feng, Michael Scalora and Natalia M. Litchinitser, Near-infrared to ultra-violet frequency conversion in chalcogenide metasurfaces, Nature Communications 12, 5833 (2021).

79. Xingdu Qiao, Bikashkali Midya, Zihe Gao, Zhifeng Zhang, Haoqi Zhao, Tianwei Wu, Jieun Yim, Ritesh Agarwal, Natalia M. Litchinitser and Liang Feng, Higher-dimensional supersymmetric microlaser arraysScience 372, 403-408 (2021).

78. Jose D. H. Rivero, Mingsen Pan, Konstantinos G. Makris, Liang Feng and Li Ge, Non-Hermiticity-Governed Active Photonic ResonancesPhysical Review Letters 126, 163901 (2021).


77. Yuchen Wang, Alei Dang, Zhifeng Zhang, Rui Yin, Yuchong Gao, Liang Feng and Shu Yang, Repeatable and Reprogrammable Shape Morphing from Photoresponsive Gold Nanorod/Liquid Crystal ElastomersAdvanced Materials 32, 2004270 (2020).

76. Zhifeng Zhang, Haoqi Zhao, Danilo Gomes Pires, Xingdu Qiao, Zihe Gao, Josep M. Jornet, Stefano Longhi, Natalia M. Litchinitser and Liang Feng, Ultrafast control of fractional orbital angular momentum of microlaser emissionsLight: Science & Applications 9, 179 (2020).

75. Zhifeng Zhang, Xingdu Qiao, Bikashkali Midya, Kevin Liu, Jingbo Sun, Tianwei Wu, Wenjing Liu, Ritesh Agarwal, Josep Miquel Jornet, Stefano Longhi, Natalia M. Litchinitser and Liang Feng, Tunable topological charge vortex microlaserScience 368, 760-763 (2020).

74. Zhurun Ji, Wenjing Liu, Sergiy Krylyuk, Xiaopeng Fan, Zhifeng Zhang, Anlian Pan, Liang Feng, Albert Davydov and Ritesh Agarwal, Photocurrent detection of the orbital angular momentum of lightScience 368, 763-767 (2020).

73. Stefano Longhi and Liang Feng, Non-Hermitian multimode interferenceOptics Letters 45, 1962-1965 (2020).


72. Han Zhao, Xingdu Qiao, Tianwei Wu, Bikashkali Midya, Stefano Longhi and Liang Feng, Non-Hermitian topological light steeringScience 365, 1163-1166 (2019).

71. Wiktor Walasik, Nitish Chandra, Bikashkali Midya, Liang Feng and Natalia M. Litchinitser, Mode-sorter design using continuous supersymmetric transformationOptics Express 27, 22429-22438 (2019).

70. Josep Miquel Jornet, Yongho Bae, Christopher R. Handelmann, Brandon Decker, Anna Balcerak, Amit Sangwan, Pei Miao, Aesha Desai, Liang Feng, Ewa K. Stachowiak, Michal K. Stachowiak, Optogenomic interfaces: Bridging biological networks with the electronic digital worldProceedings of the IEEE 107, 1387-1401 (2019).

69. Jieun Yim, Han Zhao, Bikashkali Midya and Liang Feng, Non-Hermitian heterostructure for two-parameter sensingOptics Letters 44, 1626-1629 (2019).

68. Bikashkali Midya, Han Zhao, Xingdu Qiao, Pei Miao, Wiktor Walasik, Zhifeng Zhang, Natalia M. Litchinitser and Liang Feng, Supersymmetric microring laser arraysPhotonics Research 7, 363-367 (2019).

67. Zhifeng Zhang, Mohammad Teimourpour, Jake Arkinstall, Mingsen Pan, Pei Miao, Henning Schomerus, Ramy El-Ganainy and Liang Feng, Experimental Realization of Multiple Topological Edge States in a 1D Photonic LatticeLaser and Photonics Reviews 13, 1800202 (2019).


66. Bikashkali Midya and Liang Feng, Topological multiband photonic superlatticesPhysical Review A 98, 043838 (2018).

65. Bikashkali Midya, Wiktor Walasik, Natalia M. Litchinitser and Liang Feng, Supercharge optical arraysOptics Letters 43, 4927-4930 (2018).

64. Wiktor Walasik, Bikashkali Midya, Liang Feng and Natalia M. Litchinitser, Supersymmetry-guided method for mode selection and optimization in coupled systemsOptics Letters 43, 3758-3761 (2018).

63. Zhifeng Zhang, Pei Miao, Jingbo Sun, Stefano Longhi, Natalia M Litchinitser and Liang Feng, Elimination of Spatial Hole Burning in Microlasers for Stability and Efficiency EnhancementACS Photonics 5, 3016-3022 (2018).

62. Bikashkali Midya, Han Zhao and Liang Feng, Non-Hermitian photonics promises exceptional topology of lightNature Communications 9, 2674 (2018).

61. Stephano Longhi and Liang Feng, Invited Article: Mitigation of dynamical instabilities in laser arrays via non-Hermitian couplingAPL Photonics 3, 060802 (2018) (Invited).

60. Han Zhao, Zhaowei Chen, Ruogang Zhao, Liang Feng, Exceptional point engineered glass slide for microscopic thermal mappingNature Communications 9, 1764 (2018).

59. Mingsen Pan, Han Zhao, Pei Miao, Stefano Longhi and Liang Feng, Photonic zero mode in a non-Hermitian photonic latticeNature Communications 9, 1308 (2018).

58. Han Zhao and Liang Feng, Parity–time symmetric photonicsNational Science Review 5, 183-199 (2018).

57. Han Zhao, Pei Miao, Mohammad H. Teimourpour, Simon Malzard, Ramy El-Ganainy, Henning Schomerus and Liang Feng, Topological hybrid silicon microlasersNature Communications 9, 981 (2018).


56. Liang Feng, Ramy El-Ganainy and Li Ge, Non-Hermitian photonics based on parity–time symmetryNature Photonics 11, 752-762 (2017) (Invited Review, Topic: PT Symmetry).

55. Stefano Longhi and Liang Feng, Unidirectional lasing in semiconductor microring lasers at an exceptional pointPhotonics Research 5, B1-B6 (2017).

54. Jake Arkinstall, MH Teimourpour, Liang Feng, Ramy El-Ganainy and Henning Schomerus, Topological tight-binding models from nontrivial square rootsPhysical Review B 95, 165109 (2017).

53. Li Ge and Liang Feng, Contrasting eigenvalue and singular-value spectra for lasing and antilasing in a PT-symmetric periodic structurePhysical Review A 95, 013813 (2017).


52. Zi Jing Wong, Ye-Long Xu, Jeongmin Kim, Kevin O’Brien, Yuan Wang, Liang Feng and Xiang Zhang, Lasing and anti-lasing in a single cavityNature Photonics 10, 796–801 (2016).

51. Han Zhao, William S. Fegadolli, Jiakai Yu, Zhifeng Zhang, Li Ge, Axel Scherer and Liang Feng, Metawaveguide for Asymmetric Interferometric Light-Light SwitchingPhysical Review Letters 117, 193901 (2016).

50. Li Ge and Liang Feng, Optical-reciprocity-induced symmetry in photonic heterostructures and its manifestation in scattering PT-symmetry breakingPhysical Review A 94, 043836 (2016).

49. Si-Yuan Yu, Xiao-Chen Sun, Xu Ni, Qing Wang, Xue-Jun Yan, Cheng He, Xiao-Ping Liu, Liang Feng, Ming-Hui Lu and Yan-Feng Chen, Surface phononic grapheneNature Materials 15, 1243–1247 (2016).

48. Pei Miao, Zhifeng Zhang, Jingbo Sun, Wiktor Walasik, Stefano Longhi, Natalia M. Litchinitser and Liang Feng, Orbital angular momentum microlaserScience 353, 464-467 (2016).

47. Cheng He, Xiao-Chen Sun, Xiao-Ping Liu, Ming-Hui Lu, Yulin Chen, Liang Feng and Yan-Feng Chen, Photonic topological insulator with broken time-reversal symmetry, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, 4924-4928 (2016).


46. Li Ge, Konstantinos G. Makris, Demetrios N. Christodoulides and Liang Feng, Scattering in PT- and RT-symmetric multimode waveguides: Generalized conservation laws and spontaneous symmetry breaking beyond one dimension, Physical Review A 92, 062135 (2015).

45. Han Zhao, Stefano Longhi and Liang Feng, Robust Light State by Quantum Phase Transition in Non-Hermitian Optical MaterialsScientific Reports 5, 17022 (2015).

44. Michael Mrejen, Haim Suchowski, Taiki Hatakeyama, Chihhui Wu, Liang Feng, Kevin O’Brien, Yuan Wang and Xiang Zhang, Adiabatic elimination-based coupling control in densely packed subwavelength waveguidesNature Communications 6, 7565 (2015).

43. Qing Wang, Yang Yang, Xu Ni, Ye-Long Xu, Xiao-Chen Sun, Ze-Guo Chen, Liang Feng, Xiao-ping Liu, Ming-Hui Lu and Yan-Feng Chen, Acoustic asymmetric transmission based on time-dependent dynamical scatteringScientific Reports 5, 10880 (2015).

42. Xu Ni, Cheng He, Xiao-Chen Sun, Xiao-ping Liu, Ming-Hui Lu, Liang Feng and Yan-Feng Chen, Topologically protected one-way edge mode in networks of acoustic resonators with circulating air flow, New Journal of Physics 17, 053016 (2015).


41. Liang Feng, Zi Jing Wong, Ren-Min Ma, Yuan Wang and Xiang Zhang, Single-mode laser by parity-time symmetry breaking, Science 346, 972-975 (2014).

40. Stefano Longhi and Liang Feng, PT-symmetric microring laser-absorberOptics Letters 39, 5026-5029 (2014).

39. Lei Yang, Xudong Cui, Jingyu Zhang, Kan Wang, Meng Shen, Shuangshuang Zeng, Shadi A. Dayeh, Liang Feng and Bin Xiang, Lattice strain effects on the optical properties of MoS2 nanosheetsScientific Reports 4, 5649 (2014).

38. William S Fegadolli, Liang Feng, Muhammad Mujeeb-U-Rahman, Jose E. B. Oliveira, Vilson R. Almeida and Axel Scherer, Experimental demonstration of a reconfigurable silicon thermo-optical device based on spectral tuning of ring resonators for optical signal processingOptics Express 22, 3425-3431 (2014).

37. Liang Feng, Xuefeng Zhu, Sui Yang, Hanyu Zhu, Peng Zhang, Xiaobo Yin, Yuan Wang and Xiang Zhang, Demonstration of a large-scale optical exceptional point structure, Optics Express 22, 1760-1767 (2014).

36. Ye-Long Xu, Liang Feng, Ming-Hui Lu and Yan-Feng Chen, Unidirectional transmission based on a passive PT symmetric grating with a nonlinear silicon distributed bragg reflector cavityIEEE Photonics Journal 6, 0600507 (2014).

Before 2014

35. Ye-Long Xu, Liang Feng, Ming-Hui Lu and Yan-Feng Chen, Optical Isolation by Time-Dependent Sinusoidal-Shaped StructuresChinese Physics Letters 30, 094202 (2013).

34. Xuefeng Zhu, Liang Feng, Peng Zhang, Xiaobo Yin and Xiang Zhang, One-way invisible cloak using parity-time symmetric transformation opticsOptics Letters 38, 2821-2824 (2013).

33. Liang Feng, Ye-Long Xu, William S. Fegadolli, Ming-Hui Lu, Jose E. B. Oliveira, Vilson R. Almeida, Yan-Feng Chen and Axel Scherer, Experimental demonstration of a unidirectional reflectionless parity-time metamaterial at optical frequenciesNature Materials 12, 108-113 (2013).

32. Ye-Long Xu, Liang Feng, Ming-Hui Lu and Yan-Feng Chen, Asymmetric optical mode conversion and transmission by breaking PT-symmetry on silicon photonic circuitsPhysics Letters A 376, 886-890 (2012).

31. Cheng He, Xiao-Liu Zhang, Liang Feng, Ming-Hui Lu and Yan-Feng Chen, One-way cloak based on nonreciprocal photonic crystalApplied Physics Letters 99, 151112 (2011).

30. Liang Feng, Zhaowei Liu and Yeshaiahu Fainman, Direct Observation of Plasmonic Index Ellipsoids on a Deep-Subwavelength Metallic Grating, Applied Optics 50, G1-G6 (2011).

29. Liang Feng, Maurice Ayache, Jingqing Huang, Ye-Long Xu, Ming-Hui Lu, Yan-Feng Chen, Yeshaiahu Fainman and Axel Shcerer, Nonreciprocal light propagation in a silicon photonic circuitScience 333, 729-733 (2011).

28. Liang Feng, Amit Mizrahi, Steve Zamek, Zhaowei Liu, Vitaliy Lomakin and Yeshaiahu Fainman, Metamaterials for Enhanced Polarization Conversion in Plasmonic ExcitationACS Nano 5, 5100-5106 (2011).

27. Xue-Feng Li, Xu Ni, Liang Feng, Ming-Hui Lu, Cheng He and Yan-Feng Chen, Tunable unidirectional sound propagation through a sonic-crystal-based acoustic diodePhysical Review Letters 106, 084301 (2011).

26. Cheng He, Ming-Hui Lu, Xin Heng, Liang Feng and Yan-Feng Chen, Parity-time electromagnetic diodes in a two-dimensional nonreciprocal photonic crystalPhysical Review B 83, 075117 (2011).

25. Steve Zamek, Liang Feng, Mercedeh Khajavikhan, Dawn T.H. Tan, Maurice Ayache and Yeshaiahu Fainman, Micro-resonator with metallic mirrors coupled to a bus waveguideOptics Express 19, 2417-2425 (2011).

24. Yu Zhou, Ming-Hui Lu, Liang Feng, Xu Ni, Yan-Feng Chen, Yong-Yuan Zhu, Shi-Ning Zhu and Nai- Ben Ming, Acoustic surface evanescent wave and its dominant contribution to extraordinary acoustic transmission and collimation of soundPhysical Review Letters 104, 164301 (2010).

23. Maziar P. Nezhad, Aleksandar Simic, Olesya Bondarenko, Boris Slutsky, Amit Mizrahi, Liang Feng, Vitaliy Lomakin and Yeshaiahu Fainman, Room Temperature Lasing from Sub-wavelength Metallo-Dielectric LasersNature Photonics 4, 395-399 (2010).

22. Steve Zamek, Amit Mizrahi, Liang Feng, Aleksandar Simic and Yeshaiahu Fainman, “On-chip Waveguide Resonator with Metallic MirrorsOptics Letters 35, 598-600 (2010).

21. Liang Feng, Zhaowei Liu, Vitaliy Lomakin and Yeshaiahu Fainman, Form birefringence metal and its plasmonic anisotropyApplied Physics Letters 96, 041112 (2010).

20. Ming-Hui Lu, Liang Feng and Yan-Feng Chen, Phononic Crystals and Acoustic MetamaterialsMaterials Today 12, 34-42 (2009).

19. Liang Feng, Derek Van Orden, Maxim Abashin, Qian-Jin Wang, Yan-Feng Chen, Vitaliy Lomakin and Yeshaiahu Fainman, Nanoscale optical field localization by resonantly focused plasmonsOptics Express 17, 4824-4832 (2009).

18. Liang Feng, Ming-Hui Lu, Vitaliy Lomakin and Yeshaiahu Fainman, Plasmonic photonic crystal with a complete band gap for surface plasmon polariton wavesApplied Physics Letters 93, 231105 (2008).

17. Amit Mizrahi, Vitaliy Lomakin, Boris Slutsky, Maziar Nezhad, Liang Feng and Yeshaiahu Fainman, Low threshold gain metal coated laser nanoresonatorsOptics Letters 33, 1261-1263 (2008).

16. Jian Li, Ming-Hui Lu, Tian Fan, Xiao-Kang Liu, Liang Feng, Yue-Feng Tang and Yan-Feng Chen, All-angle negative refraction imaging effect with complex two-dimensional hexagonal photonic crystalsJournal of Applied Physics 102, 073538 (2007).

15. Ming-Hui Lu, Xiao-Kang Liu, Liang Feng, Jian Li, Cheng-Ping Huang, Yan-Feng Chen, Yong-Yuan Zhu, Shi-Ning Zhu and Nai-Ben Ming, Extraordinary Acoustic Transmission through a 1D Grating with Very Narrow AperturesPhysical Review Letters 99, 174301 (2007).

14. Ming-Hui Lu, Chao Zhang, Liang Feng, Jun Zhao, Yan-Feng Chen, Yi-Wei Mao, Jian Zi, Yong-Yuan Zhu, Shi-Ning Zhu and Nai-Ben Ming, Negative birefraction of acoustic waves in a sonic crystalNature Materials 6, 744-748 (2007).

13. Liang Feng, Kevin Tetz, Boris Slutsky, Vitaliy Lomakin and Yeshaiahu Fainman, Fourier plasmonics: Diffractive focusing of in-plane surface plasmon polariton wavesApplied Physics Letters 91, 081101 (2007).

12. Ming-Hui Lu, Liang Feng, Xiao-Ping Liu, Xiao-Kang Liu, Yan-Feng Chen, Yong-Yuan Zhu, Yi-Wei Mao and Jian Zi, Experimental observation of both negative and positive phase velocities in a two-dimensional sonic crystalPhysics Letters A 366, 523-527 (2007).

11. Jian Li, Ming-Hui Lu, Liang Feng, Xiao-Ping Liu and Yan-Feng Chen, Tunable negative refraction based on the Pockels effect in two-dimensional photonic crystals composed of electro-optic crystalsJournal of Applied Physics 101, 013516 (2007).

10. Liang Feng, Xiao-Ping Liu, Ming-Hui Lu, Yan-Bin Chen, Yan-Feng Chen, Yi-Wei Mao, Jian Zi, Yong-Yuan Zhu, Shi-Ning Zhu and Nai-Ben Ming, Refraction control of acoustic waves in a square-rod-constructed tunable sonic crystalPhysical Review B 73, 193101 (2006).

9. Liang Feng, Xiao-Ping Liu, Ming-Hui Lu, Yan-Bin Chen, Yan-Feng Chen, Yi-Wei Mao, Jian Zi, Yong-Yuan Zhu, Shi-Ning Zhu and Nai-Ben Ming, Acoustic Backward-Wave Negative Refractions in the Second Band of a Sonic CrystalPhysical Review Letters 96, 014301 (2006).

8. Yue-Feng Tang, Liang Feng, Zhi-Peng Huang, Ai-Dong Li and Yan-Feng Chen, Fabrication of composite coating spheres with silica sphere/titania shell structure by heterogeneous nucleation-and-growth processingResearch on Chemical Intermediates 31, 477-482 (2005).

7. Liang Feng, Xiao-Ping Liu, Jie Ren, Yan-Feng Chen and Yong-Yuan Zhu, Comparisons of negative refraction in left-handed materials and photonic crystalsInternational Journal of Modern Physics B 19, 3547-3561 (2005).

6. Liang Feng, Xiao-Ping Liu, Yan-Bin Chen, Zhi-Peng Huang, Yi-Wei Mao, Yan-Feng Chen, Jian Zi and Yong-Yuan Zhu, Negative refraction of acoustic waves in two-dimensional sonic crystalsPhysical Reivew B 72, 033108 (2005).

5. Liang Feng, Xiao-Ping Liu, Yue-Feng Tang, Yan-Feng Chen, Jian Zi, Shi-Ning Zhu and Yong-Yuan Zhu, Tunable negative refraction in a two-dimensional active magneto-optical photonic crystalPhysical Review B 71, 195106 (2005).

4. Liang Feng, Xiao-Ping Liu, Jie Ren, Yue-Feng Tang, Yan-Bin Chen, Yan-Feng Chen and Yong-Yuan Zhu, Tunable negative refractions in two-dimensional photonic crystals with superconductor constituents”Journal of Applied Physics 97, 073104 (2005).

3. Yue-Feng Tang, Zhi-Peng Huang, Liang Feng and Yan-Feng Chen, Fabrication of α-AlO(OH)·SiO2 with core-shell structures by heterogeneous nucleation-and-growth processingApplied Surface Science 241, 412-415 (2005).

2. Liang Feng, Xiao-Ping Liu, Ming-Hui Lu and Yan-Feng Chen, Phase compensating effect in left-handed materialsPhysics Letters A 332, 449-455 (2004).

1. Yue-Feng Tang, Liang Feng, Yan-Feng Chen and Ai-Dong Li, Fabrication of mullite powders by a novel processingAdvanced Engineering Materials 6, 69-71 (2004).