Postdoctoral Researchers

We currently have 2 to 3 openings for postdocs working on integrated photonics and quantum photonics. Interested applicants with related backgrounds are welcomed to contact Prof. Feng directly. Please send via email your CV, a cover letter (research statement), and 2 to 3 reference letters for further screening. Be proactive, as positions tend to be filled in shortly.

Graduate Students

Interested applicants are encouraged to email Prof. Feng in advance (with an attached CV and a cover letter including a brief research statement) to discuss the opportunities. We welcome perspective applicants with a solid foundation in Physics, Materials Science, Electrical Engineering, and Biological Sciences to join our group!

Applicants should also submit their applications to Penn MSE or ESE departments for being offered a Ph.D./M.S.E. position prior to joining our group.

Undergraduate Students and Research Interns

We welcome undergraduate students and research interns who want to gain research experience in integrated photonics, quantum photonics, and nanofabrications to join our group!

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Prof. Feng in advance to discuss the opportunities. We also encourage the applicants to send via email a copy of your CV so that we can learn about your background better.


Applicants and interested individuals can address Prof. Feng directly if you have any questions about our group and our research. Below is a list of contact information.

Prof. Liang Feng
400 LRSM, 3231 Walnut Street
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Phone: 215-898-7974
Fax: 215-573-2128